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Kratom Addiction Treatment  

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kratom addiction treatment

Kratom is a substance marketed as an herbal supplement that produces opiate-like effects. Often used as a medicinal substitute for opiates, many people use Kratom to treat pain, fatigue and mental health issues. While legal in many states, its addictive properties are becoming more evident as more people use Kratom today. 

If you think you might be struggling with Kratom addiction, several treatment options can help. Medically-assisted treatment and psychotherapy can provide the care you need, while inpatient or outpatient drug addiction treatment programs offer support and motivation to achieve a successful recovery. Learn the symptoms, causes and treatment options for Kratom addiction so you or your loved one can get much-needed help. 

What Is Kratom?

“Kratom” refers to the evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia and the products derived from its leaves. These products are marketed as herbal supplements and have been used as a traditional medicinal opiate substitute for decades. By ingesting the leaves, laborers and farmers once used kratom to increase their energy, while others used it to substitute for opium. 

What Is Kratom?

The effects of kratom vary depending on the individual. In low doses, kratom appears to cause stimulant effects. In high doses, individuals often experience sedative, opioid-like symptoms. Kratom has become prevalent in the United States, though the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved kratom for use. People reportedly use kratom to self-treat the following symptoms: 

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Physical pain
  • Opioid withdrawal symptoms and cravings

The psychoactive ingredient found in kratom leaves is often crushed and smoked, brewed in tea or placed into gel capsules to get the desired effects. Many have reported weakened withdrawal symptoms and cravings while taking kratom, especially for opioid addiction. Others have taken kratom to manage their chronic pain or for recreational purposes. Effects usually appear within five to ten minutes of taking kratom and last for two to five hours. 

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) lists kratom as a “drug of concern” in their 2017 Drugs of Abuse guide, alongside salvia and DXM, due to its potentially adverse effects. At the same time, the FDA discourages consumers from using kratom and has not approved it for medicinal use. While kratom is not a scheduled substance under the Controlled Substances Act, it can be illegal to have it or use it in some states. Kratom can lead to symptoms similar to opioid use disorder when taken long-term.

Signs and Symptoms of Kratom Addiction

Some research supports the notion that people can develop dependence and eventual withdrawal symptoms when they quit taking kratom. This may be due to the chemical compounds in kratom that bind to and activate opioid receptors in the brain, similar to addictive drugs like heroin and prescription pain relievers. 

When the body stops getting kratom, symptoms can be painful and sometimes lethal. Unsurprisingly, many people have reported becoming addicted to kratom. Drug addiction tends to develop gradually and may appear in stages:

  • Trial stage: Some people never make it past this stage. They might take Kratom a few times to treat their symptoms and then stop taking it shortly after.
  • Regular use: If an individual has a positive experience with the drug, they may continue taking it to treat other symptoms, like sadness or anxiety after a particularly stressful day. If they’ve taken it to alleviate physical pain, they may continue taking it even if their symptoms have ceased. 
  • Increasing risks: At this stage, the individual might notice symptoms of dependence but continually take it since they’ve experienced no harmful effects.
  • Dependence: At this stage, the individual experiences withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit the drug. They may experience painful effects of kratom, such as aching muscles and mood swings.
  • Substance use disorder: The final stage occurs when the person cannot live without a constant supply of drugs. They’ll show signs of psychological dependence and may partake in risky behavior to sustain their addiction.

While addiction is a chronic and complex disease, it’s highly treatable. If you’re unsure whether you or a loved one is addicted to kratom, watch for signs and symptoms to determine whether they need help. Those addicted to opioid drugs or kratom will often display specific physical, mental and behavioral changes: 

Physical Symptoms

The effects of kratom can appear within minutes of ingestion. While some may initially experience euphoria, increased alertness and improved energy, these effects can quickly turn negative the longer kratom is taken. 

Kratom withdrawal symptoms can be very similar to withdrawal from opioid use disorder. If you’re worried that someone you know may be struggling from kratom use, watch for signs like trembling, sweating and drug cravings. These symptoms can often continue for weeks after the last dose of kratom. 

uncomfortable painful withdrawal symptoms

Due to how uncomfortable and painful withdrawal symptoms can be, many might continue to take the drug to avoid them. This can quickly spiral into a substance use disorder characterized by a compulsive urge to obtain and use kratom. 

Other physical signs of Kratom addiction might include:

  • Itchiness
  • Muscle aches
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Runny nose
  • Drowsiness
  • Increased urination
  • Dry mouth
  • Rapid heartbeat 
  • Chills
  • Sedation

Those who have taken kratom have also experienced a loss of appetite, weight loss or even anorexia. Examine your loved one’s physical appearance to see if the physical effects of addiction have taken hold. If their clothes appear baggier or they’re losing hair due to nutritional deficiency, these may be signs of an addiction. 

Psychological Symptoms 

While many have used kratom to treat symptoms of depression and anxiety, studies are inconclusive as to how beneficial kratom is for mental illness. While initial symptoms can include increased sociability and talkativeness, addiction can reverse these effects and worsen anxiety. 

Psychological Symptoms

Watch for psychological symptoms of kratom addiction to determine whether you or someone you know is struggling:

  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Hostility
  • Mood swings
  • Anger

In rare cases, kratom has also caused psychosis or a mental condition where the person may lose contact with reality. Symptoms might include hallucinations, delusions and paranoia. 

Behavioral Changes

As the body develops a tolerance to kratom, it can be challenging to stop taking it without experiencing withdrawal. Due to the painful symptoms that often accompany withdrawal, many will continue taking kratom and develop an addiction. When a person develops dependence, they’ll experience a physical and psychological urge to seek kratom and continue using it, resulting in several behavioral changes. 

Behavioral Changes

The physical effects of long-term kratom use can cause changes to a person’s daily routines and sleep habits, particularly when attempting to quit the drug. You may notice that the addicted individual has no energy to attend work or hit the gym. They may appear sluggish or tired, affecting their physical hygiene, work or school performance and causing them to withdraw from social activities.

Since excessive kratom use is also associated with irritability and agitation, you may notice your loved one avoiding friends and family members. They may find it difficult to control their moods and find it challenging to be around loved ones, leading to social isolation and sinking further into addiction. 

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Don’t Ignore The Signs

Kratom addiction destroys lives. Get the support you need to help yourself or your loved one break free from Kratom misuse.

What Causes Kratom Addiction?

While several factors can influence someone to take kratom, substance use disorder is much more complicated and can be caused by a combination of genetics, psychological and environmental factors.

Studies have shown that some people may have a higher risk of developing an addiction. The following communities have shown to be more likely to take kratom long-term:

  • People with depression and anxiety
  • Those suffering from physical pain
  • Those with already existent addictions

Many who take kratom do so to self-treat other addictions and alleviate opioid withdrawal symptoms. This can do more harm than good and lead to its own addiction when taking the substance long-term. The benefits are still being investigated, though the negatives seem to outweigh any positives, which is why kratom hasn’t been approved for medicinal purposes. Learn more about the factors that contribute to substance use disorder:

Personal History

Personal History

While several reasons can determine why a person might develop an addiction, personal history plays a significant role. Some people have a higher risk of developing an addiction, such as younger people aged 18-25.

Teens and young adults tend to be more susceptible to life stressors and changes as their brains are still developing. When this group of people cannot healthily cope with life changes, such as relationship, career and academic changes, they may resort to maladaptive coping mechanisms such as substance use. Additionally, those who lack parental supervision or have peers or friends who use drugs may be more vulnerable to addiction. 

External Factors and Stressors

Several external factors might cause a person to turn to kratom for relief. Stressful circumstances such as a death in the family or losing a job, for instance, cause our bodies to release certain stress hormones. Over time, these stress hormones can alter our genes and affect our brain’s reward circuitry. When taking kratom, some might find relief in its short-term ability to reward their brains with feel-good chemicals. 

Experiencing injuries or living with chronic health conditions can also cause a person to cope with substances. Other risk factors can include:

  • Living in poverty
  • Regular contact with high-risk people or high-risk situations
  • History of sexual, physical or mental abuse
  • High-stress careers
  • Relationship problems

Stress is, therefore, a key risk factor for the onset of addiction, maintenance and relapse of those struggling with substance use disorders. 

Co-Occurring Mental Health Conditions 

Co-Occurring Mental Health Conditions

Evidence supports a strong link between addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. Researchers have discovered that those with mental illnesses may have a stronger chance of developing substance use disorder. Many people turn to kratom to cope with the symptoms of their mental illness. However, long-term use and addiction may worsen symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

Co-occurring disorders for addiction can include:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Depression
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Personality disorders
  • Schizophrenia

Common risk factors can contribute to both addiction and mental disorders, including trauma and genetic conditions passed down through generations. These multiple risk factors make substance use disorder a highly complex, chronic condition. 

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You Don’t Have to Fight Addiction Alone

Overcoming a substance misuse disorder is hard, but you don’t have to struggle alone. Find supportive, evidence-based treatment at Gateway Foundation.

Short and Long Term Effects of Kratom Addiction

While you may notice kratom sold at vitamin stores or promoted in health news to improve mood, boost energy, relieve pain and solve opioid withdrawal symptoms, the truth about kratom is much more complicated. The long-term health effects of this drug are quite concerning and can contribute to addiction, overdose and even death.

Substance use disorder affects millions of people in the U.S. and can cause several adverse health effects. The mental and social impact of addiction can significantly affect individuals and the people in their lives. Often, those with substance use disorder also struggle with other mental health conditions, thereby worsening symptoms of both diseases. It’s essential to recognize the following short and long-term effects of kratom addiction to prevent these unwanted outcomes:

Short-Term Effects

The short-term effects of kratom vary depending on the dosage. Some may take a higher dose to achieve opioid-like results, like sedation and decreased pain. At the same time, a smaller amount often produces stimulant effects such as sociability, increased energy and awareness.

Symptoms will usually come on quite quickly. Behavioral effects can include talkativeness and increased social behavior. At the same time, kratom can enhance your mood and lead to calmness, a sense of well-being and euphoria or extreme happiness. Physically, kratom is thought to provide pain relief, increased libido and increased energy.

While these initial pleasurable feelings may make a person likely to continue taking kratom, when physical dependence takes hold, initial symptoms will often diminish and be replaced by uncomfortable mental and physical side effects. 

Dependence and Withdrawal

Dependence and Withdrawal

While kratom is natural, studies have shown that it may not be particularly safe. Dependence and addiction are some of the most dangerous effects of long-term kratom use. The physical dependence on kratom can occur gradually over time, sometimes without the user even realizing it. And similar to other drugs, withdrawal can occur when a physically dependent person doesn’t have enough of the substance in their body. These symptoms include:

  • Body aches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Hostility
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia

These symptoms can cause a person to spiral back into kratom use and lead to an addiction. While many people have taken kratom to manage opioid withdrawal, research suggests that it may cause more problems than it solves. In fact, one study investigated the effects of kratom on a group of people when they took the drug for six months and found that subjects’ withdrawal symptoms were the same as opioid withdrawal after treatment. 

Many patients even needed additional medication to ease their symptoms, including achy muscles, jerky limb movements and aggression. Medicines used to treat these symptoms were the same used for opioid withdrawal, such as naloxone, or Narcan, and buprenorphine, or Buprenex. 

This study suggests long-term use of kratom can be highly unsafe and addictive, similar to other opioid drugs like heroin and morphine. 

Long-Term Symptoms and Dangers 

The long-term symptoms of kratom addiction can be quite uncomfortable and lead to severe mental and physical health issues. While short-term symptoms can invoke feelings of happiness and relief, the long-term symptoms can be damaging.

Two of the most common side effects of large doses of kratom are nausea and constipation. If left untreated, this can cause bowel issues and complications for those dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or other gastrointestinal conditions. While not a severe symptom, the effects can be highly uncomfortable and worsen over time.

Long-Term Symptoms and Dangers  

Long-term use can also cause a loss of appetite and even anorexia, an eating disorder that involves restricted caloric intake. Anorexia results in rapid and dangerous weight loss that can become hazardous to one’s health and even lead to death.

Insomnia and hyperpigmentation of the cheeks are other symptoms of long-term kratom addiction. The person using kratom may have issues sleeping, which can cause adverse health reactions such as irritability, stress, poor concentration and loss of motivation. Additionally, kratom has been linked to severe physical health problems, such as:

  • Tachycardia or rapid heartbeat
  • Hepatotoxicity or toxic liver disease
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Overdose

Kratom has also been reported to cause abnormal brain function when combining the substance with prescription medicines. When this happens, you might lose your ability to communicate, become confused and suffer from severe headaches. 

Though rare, many have overdosed on kratom, mainly when taking it with other substances like fentanyl, cocaine and prescription opioids. An overdose can cause severe physical and mental health risks for the person affected. Signs and symptoms that might indicate a kratom overdose include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Confusion
  • Paranoia
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Drowsiness
  • Respiratory depression or dangerously slowed breathing
  • Nausea
  • Hypertension or high blood pressure
  • Agitation
  • Seizures
  • Coma

If you suspect someone is overdosing on kratom, it’s essential to seek emergency medical services immediately. 

How to Know When It’s Time for Treatment 

Substance use disorder is a complex disease that can develop gradually without the person even realizing it. Some may continue taking kratom as long as they aren’t experiencing adverse effects. Others might believe they have control over their substance use and not realize the emotional toll it has on their friends and family members.

How to Know When It's Time for Treatment

If you’re unsure whether you have a substance use disorder, medical professionals can diagnose you and help you find treatment methods. If you have a loved one you suspect is suffering from this disease, consider the following general signs to determine whether they need treatment:

  • Desiring the substance regularly, whether it’s daily or frequently throughout the day
  • Experiencing a compulsive urge to use kratom that makes it difficult to concentrate on anything else
  • Taking more and more of the substance or taking it for more extended periods than intended
  • Needing larger doses to achieve initial symptoms as the drug addiction continues
  • Resorting to risky behaviors to obtain more substances, such as stealing money or drugs from others 
  • Using the drug no matter the consequences or risks it possesses
  • Spending excessive amounts of time using the substance and recovering from its effects
  • Keeping a constant supply of the drug around you at all times
  • Engaging in risky behavior while taking the substance, such as combining it with other drugs or driving under the influence
  • Failing to quit taking the substance
  • Experiencing withdrawal when attempting to quit the substance

If you struggle with any of the above problems, it’s essential that you know you are not alone. Drug rehabilitation centers are designed to help you reach sobriety and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

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The Time For Treatment is Now

Don’t let your substance use disorder continue to wreak havoc on your life. Start your recovery today.

What to Expect from Gateway Foundation’s Kratom Drug Program in Illinois

Wondering if Gateway Foundation’s kratom drug rehab center in Illinois is the right place for your recovery? Our team of specialists is here to help you regain your health and reclaim your freedom one day at a time. With more than 50 years of experience in the Illinois area, we’ve walked countless patients through recovery. Our highly qualified medical and certified counseling staff brings deep care and compassion to every interaction, providing the support you need to thrive.

At Gateway Foundation, you can count on medically-assisted treatment combined with evidence-based therapy practices. We personalize our treatment plans for each patient to ensure you get the care that’s best for you. Our continuum of care approach helps to mitigate the physical, mental and emotional effects of addiction treatment. At the same time, our combination of cognitive and behavioral therapies address the underlying issues of addiction and empower you to make long-term changes. We’re not just here for your stay. We’re with you for life.

Types of Kratom Addiction Treatment

Substance use disorder can severely impact a person emotionally, mentally, socially and physically. While it’s never too late to seek treatment, the sooner your addiction is addressed both medically and professionally, the higher your chances of beating this disease.

Generally, substance use disorder treatment follows three phases — physical stabilization, therapy and recovery. Most people will need to follow a comprehensive treatment plan personalized to their unique needs. That’s why rehabilitation programs can be the optimal choice to help someone recover from substance use disorder.

Individuals who use kratom long-term can become tolerant to the drug and need larger doses to achieve the same effects. Over time, this can be detrimental to the body and cause severe withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit. That’s why it’s essential to get treatment under the supervision of health professionals. Kratom addiction treatment centers can help individuals fully address their addiction, quit kratom and maintain sobriety.

Addiction treatment might involve the following components:

Residential Inpatient Treatment

 In a residential treatment center, patients can live and interact with others struggling with substance use disorder and benefit from around-the-clock supervision to avoid triggers and stay sober. patients will usually attend individual therapy to understand the potential causes of their addiction and follow a plan designed to help them overcome them. At the same time, they’ll attend group therapy with people struggling with substance use disorder to discuss their issues and support their peers through the recovery process.

Hospital-Based Care

Hospital-Based Care

Inpatient or partial hospitalization programs provides both addiction treatment and health care services for those with severe medical issues. Like residential care, hospitalization programs might offer counseling services and customized plans to help patients achieve sobriety. Physicians can also medically treat co-existing addictions or mental health conditions like depression and anxiety in hospitals or clinics.

Individual and Group Counseling

Group therapy or individual counseling can help patients adjust their thoughts and behaviors surrounding kratom addiction. They might learn about underlying conditions that may impact their substance use disorder and gain resources to overcome triggers. Therapists can also help patients build healthy coping mechanisms and hobbies to take with them post-treatment. Group counseling provides a judgment-free environment to set goals, learn from others and feel understood as you make your way through recovery.

Therapies used to treat substance use disorder include: 

  • Contingency management (CM): This type of therapy uses positive reinforcement principles to reach sobriety goals. patients might receive tangible rewards to reinforce positive behaviors, like achieving negative drug tests and sticking with treatment.
  • Motivational interviewing: By undergoing motivational interviews, patients can discover the importance of changing certain behaviors and achieving a new and sober lifestyle. Therapists can help patients imagine the positives of sobriety to encourage them to stay on track with recovery. 
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT has been shown to positively impact those struggling with substance use disorder. This type of treatment involves learning new ways to think, behave and cope without using substances. patients can learn a variety of skills to stay sober and prevent relapse. 


Medically-assisted treatment (MAT) is often vital for a smooth recovery process. Certain medicines can alleviate withdrawal symptoms associated with the kratom addiction recovery process. You might receive a medical detox at inpatient, outpatient or hospital care programs. 

Physicians will supervise your detox by gradually eliminating kratom from your body while reducing the harmful and painful symptoms accompanying withdrawal. Medical detox can help you begin and get through the recovery process safely and comfortably. 

Outpatient Treatment and Ongoing Care

Outpatient Treatment and Ongoing Care

Unlike residential treatment, outpatient care allows patients to live at home while receiving addiction treatment. Individuals might attend outpatient care after residential treatment to stay on a healthy path or use it as primary addiction care if they have other life obligations. While less intensive than inpatient programs, outpatient care tends to be more affordable.

In addition to outpatient treatment, individuals might use specific therapies and support groups as ongoing treatment. After all, substance use disorder is a chronic condition that often requires long-term care. In 12-step groups, for instance, patients are encouraged to set goals and maintain sobriety while meeting with others addicted to substances. 

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Recover from Addiction at an Accredited Drug Addiction Treatment Center

Receive high-quality care for kratom addiction from Gateway Foundation, one of the nation’s leading rehab facilities.

The Process of Treating Kratom Addiction 

Treating kratom addiction is similar to other substance use disorder treatment programs. And whether you choose an inpatient or outpatient program, both types of care are designed to help you stay sober and improve your quality of life. In a kratom addiction treatment center, you’ll be welcomed by a compassionate team of physicians and counselors excited to work with you and help you achieve a healthier, happier lifestyle. 

The Process of Treating Kratom Addiction in Chicago, IL

Both medically-assisted treatment and psychotherapy have shown to be effective methods for treating addiction. The path to kratom addiction recovery typically involves:

  • Professional evaluation: When patients first enter addiction treatment centers, they’ll undergo a medical assessment where doctors will screen for mental health conditions and medical issues. Clinicians will often discuss your history of addiction and relapse and design a custom plan to help you achieve sobriety.
  • Medical detox: The MAT approach involves gradually tapering kratom from the body with FDA-approved medications. Since withdrawal is often one of the reasons people slip back into addiction, MAT can help relieve those symptoms, and better prepare you for the recovery process. 
  • Inpatient care: After detox, patients will typically enter residential programs to attend behavioral therapies and learn healthy coping mechanisms and hobbies to stay sober. 
  • Outpatient care or ongoing treatment: Ongoing treatment methods might involve attending outpatient programs, psychotherapy sessions or 12-step group meetings to continue down a healthy path. 

Benefits of Seeking Treatment For Kratom Addiction

Benefits of Seeking Treatment For Kratom Addiction

Drug addiction of any kind can feel defeating and isolating. While some aren’t fortunate to have a solid support system, addiction treatment centers provide a community of counselors, physicians and fellow peers eager to work with you through recovery.

When you seek Kratom addiction treatment in Chicago, health experts can provide the resources you need to overcome addiction and take back your life. You’ll recover physically and mentally while gaining the necessary tools to continue your newfound healthy lifestyle. 

Let’s check out some of the critical benefits of seeking treatment for kratom addiction in Chicago, Illinois: 

1. Structure and Accountability

While undergoing residential treatment, medical professionals will provide around-the-clock supervision to help you overcome your addiction and stay sober. You’ll appreciate a calm, safe environment away from addiction triggers where you can focus solely on getting better. Therapists and fellow peers can also hold you accountable to reach your recovery goals as you attend therapy sessions and group meetings.

One of the first steps of recovery is creating a healthy routine and medical professionals at treatment centers will work with you to create a plan specific to your needs. The structure of these programs can provide much-needed stability in a time when your life may seem chaotic and unpredictable. Generally, treatment centers emphasize healthy hobbies, attending therapies and supporting peers. The organization and supervision of these programs may be just what you need to continue down a healthy life path when treatment ends. 

2. Overall Improved Health

More than just recovering from addiction, treatment centers focus on your mind and body’s overall health. Substance use disorder can cause your body to lose essential nutrients, making you feel weak and lose sleep. When you stop taking substances and your body gets to this state, you’re more likely to continue taking them if you don’t focus on the other parts of your health. 

Treatment centers provide healthy, balanced meals to recover these necessary nutrients in the body. You’ll notice an overall improved mood and healthy physical changes as you continue treatment. While working on your mind and body, you’ll also curb drug cravings and find it easier to beat addiction. Treatment centers also encourage exercise through health and fitness classes and fun group activities. You’ll grow physically and mentally stronger while building healthy habits you can continue post-treatment.

3. Sense of Community

Recovery is a courageous undertaking, but you don’t need to go through it alone. One of the most incredible benefits of treatment centers is the sense of community they provide for those struggling with addiction. You’ll be welcomed by a compassionate team of medical professionals who can help you through recovery and give you the tools you need for successful sobriety.

Not only will you work with physicians, but you’ll also have the opportunity to recover alongside fellow peers struggling with substance use disorder. Genuine relationships can provide understanding, friendship and hope at a time when you need it the most. With the bonds of community, recovery is possible. 

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Imagine A Life Freed From Kratom Addiction

Don’t let your addiction continue to poison your life. Start your recovery journey today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Kratom Addiction Treatment 

Our answers to some of the questions we receive about kratom addiction treatment include:

What Medications Are Used in Kratom Addiction Treatment?

Medical professionals at kratom addiction treatment near you might safely administer Suboxone or Vivitrol to treat kratom withdrawal symptoms. Suboxone, a combination of naloxone and buprenorphine, is an FDA-approved medication to treat opioid use disorder. These medicines can relieve withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings by leveling out the drug’s effects on the brain.

Since research is still developing types of treatment for kratom withdrawal, patients will need to first undergo a medical evaluation to determine when it’s appropriate to take this medication, if at all, to treat withdrawal symptoms. 

Why Do People Use Kratom?

Kratom has been used in Southeast Asia for hundreds of years to boost energy in smaller doses and gain a sense of relaxation in higher doses. These effects are similar to opioid drugs and stimulants, depending on the amount taken.

In recent years, research has found that people use kratom to self-treat withdrawal symptoms, depression, anxiety and chronic pain. While experts are still investigating the effectiveness of kratom in treating these conditions, many studies report worsened depression, pain and dependence symptoms when taking it long-term. 

Does Kratom Help With Opiate Addiction? 

Research is still growing on the potential therapeutic uses of kratom for opioid addiction. So far, no significant findings have confirmed the drug is safe or effective for medical use. Long-term use of kratom has been associated with adverse side effects similar to opioid withdrawal.

How Does Kratom Use Affect Pregnancy?

Very little research is available on kratom use before, during and after pregnancy. People who are pregnant may believe kratom could ease symptoms of illness or fatigue throughout pregnancy. However, the harmful side effects can suppress breathing and lead to coma and even death. Additionally, a 2019 study showed that infants born to women who used kratom required medication to treat symptoms of opioid withdrawal, suggesting potential harm in using kratom when pregnant. 

If you’re pregnant or become pregnant while taking kratom, it’s essential to speak with your physician about ways to safely stop taking it to avoid potential health risks to you and your baby. 

Get Chicago, IL Kratom Addiction Treatment at Gateway Foundation

Get Chicago, IL Kratom Addiction Treatment at Gateway Foundation

Substance use disorder can feel like an unpredictable battle. At times, it may feel isolating as well. If you or a loved one is suffering from kratom addiction, Gateway Foundation can help you heal and recover from this complicated disease. Treatment centers can help you discover underlying conditions and break the cycle of addiction so you can return to the people and activities you care about the most.

Our treatment center fosters an environment of compassion and professionalism to help you get to the way your life was before substance use. Programs are personalized and comprehensive to provide a high level of care for your unique needs and you’ll discover the essential tools needed to maintain sobriety and improve your quality of life.

To learn more about our kratom addiction treatment programs, get in touch with us today. 

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