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Ketamine Addiction Treatment

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Ketamine Addiction Treatment

When people go to clubs or parties, they might experiment with drugs to elevate their experience. One type of party drug is ketamine. While some people might think that trying ketamine can make their party-going experience more enjoyable, it creates the potential for misuse and addiction.

Ketamine addiction can have disastrous effects on an individual’s life. Regular use of ketamine has many severe side effects, and addiction to any substance can negatively impact a person’s quality of life.

What Is Ketamine?

What Is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a Schedule III substance, meaning it has medical applications but also a risk for addiction or misuse. Ketamine is a hallucinogenic drug with dissociative effects, and recreational use is increasing in popularity, particularly among teens or young adults. When a person becomes addicted to ketamine, they have a physical and psychological dependence on the substance. However, ketamine has a lower risk for physical addiction than psychological.

Ketamine use is dangerous since it can increase the risk of aggressive or reckless behavior, such as sexual assault, falls or accidents. Combining ketamine with other substances, such as drugs or alcohol, can increase its side effects and the risk of overdose. If a person becomes addicted to ketamine, it has a short- and long-term impact on the brain and body. Even a single dose has the potential to be fatal in specific circumstances, but the risk increases from long-term use.

How Is Ketamine Used?

How Is Ketamine Used?

Ketamine is used in medical practices as a pain-reliever or an anesthetic, even though it’s not considered a tranquilizer. Ketamine is also used for treatment-resistant depression and is often combined with other antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Ketamine can help people with mood disorders who haven’t found success with other forms of treatment, such as therapy or medication.

People who use ketamine recreationally often use it in party or club settings. There are many ways people can administer ketamine, including injection, snorting, orally, smoking, mixing it into drinks or vaporizing the drug. People who use ketamine recreationally often chase the euphoric high, hallucinogenic or dissociative effects.

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Signs and Symptoms of Ketamine Addiction

Signs and Symptoms of Ketamine Addiction

Ketamine will affect each person differently, and the signs or symptoms can vary based on dosage, where they took the drug and a person’s history with the drug. If you or someone you love consumes ketamine regularly, they may be addicted to it. Other signs of addiction include various behavioral changes, such as:

  • Dedicating an excessive amount of time to obtaining and using ketamine
  • Constantly thinking about using ketamine
  • Continued use despite negative consequences
  • Tense or broken personal relationships
  • Poor performance at work or school
  • Inability to hold down a job
  • Defensive or dishonest reactions when asked about ketamine use
  • Social isolation
  • Spending time with peers who use ketamine or other substances
  • Selling valuables or stealing to supply a ketamine addiction
  • Mixing ketamine with other substances to experience a better high
  • Using ketamine to relieve stress
  • Lack of interest in hobbies or activities
  • Poor hygiene 

When a person uses ketamine, they’ll also experience physical symptoms. The symptoms will vary depending on how long a person has used the drug and their usual dose. Common ketamine addiction symptoms include:

  • Anxiety or depression
  • Paranoia 
  • Visual and auditory hallucinations 
  • Memory loss
  • Fatigue
  • Detachment from your surroundings and reality
  • Euphoria
  • Difficulty concentrating in all aspects of life
  • Loss of motor control or consciousness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Numbness or inability to feel pain
  • Increased tolerance, leading to increased use
  • Worsening mental health conditions
  • Withdrawal symptoms when not using

Many of these symptoms can impact a person’s quality of life, making it harder to escape from ketamine addiction. If you notice any signs or symptoms of ketamine addiction in yourself or a loved one, it may be time to seek professional treatment. 

What Causes Ketamine Addiction?

What Causes Ketamine Addiction?

Ketamine has a high potential for addiction, and regular use can quickly become an addiction. Ketamine alters chemicals in the brain and takes over the reward system. A person may develop a physical dependence on the substance after continued use, but the psychological dependence is much stronger. Ketamine addiction causes can vary but often include:

  • Altered reward system: One of the main reasons ketamine is addicting is because it changes the brain’s reward system, creating a psychological dependence on the substance. People who use ketamine regularly often start to neglect other aspects of their life, including work, family, friends and enjoyable social activities. A person may begin to view ketamine as their only source of pleasure, making it challenging to quit the drug on their own. The brain’s reward system will need to rebalance after detoxing from ketamine to ensure lasting changes.
  • Self-medicating: People with mental health conditions might try to use ketamine to manage their symptoms. They may also use ketamine to escape stressful situations and take a break from reality. However, ketamine’s effects aren’t long-lasting. As a result, someone might need to use more of a substance to achieve the desired effect. As they start to use more of the drug, they begin to form an addiction, worsening their mental health conditions and creating additional stress. They’ll continue to use ketamine to escape reality until they decide to quit or seek help from a professional addiction specialist. 
  • Withdrawal symptoms: Once a person uses ketamine multiple times, their body will get used to the substance and expect its presence. When they stop using the substance, they will likely experience withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal from ketamine can appear as depression, sleep disturbances, nightmares, tremors, anxiety and fatigue. Ketamine withdrawal can also trigger suicidal thoughts. People may continue to use ketamine to avoid these uncomfortable symptoms until it develops into a full-blown addiction. 

When people try ketamine for the first time, they may become hooked on its euphoric, hallucinogenic or dissociative effects. They’ll continue to use ketamine to achieve the same effect, which will create a physical and psychological dependence on the substance. Once the body relies on the substance, the altered brain chemicals and withdrawal symptoms can be enough to encourage continued use until it becomes a full-fledged addiction. 

Certain individuals have a higher risk of becoming addicted to ketamine than others. Risk factors for addiction include:

  • History of substance misuse: If you have misused another substance before, the risk of becoming addicted to another substance increases. 
  • Peer drug use: If your friends spend their time drinking alcohol or using drugs, it can be tempting to use substances to fit in or feel included in the group. Your peers might encourage you to use ketamine, boasting its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects. However, using ketamine in social settings can quickly spiral into regular use, which can then turn into an addiction. 
  • Family history of addiction: Certain genetic factors can increase the risk for addiction, such as a family history of substance misuse. Growing up in an environment where other people use substances can influence your decision to start using ketamine, creating the potential for addiction.
  • Stress or mental health conditions: If you are constantly stressed or dealing with symptoms of various mental health disorders, you have a higher risk for addiction. If you start using substances to cope with these feelings, you may begin to rely on these substances as the only way to find relief. 

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Ketamine Addiction

Using ketamine has dangerous implications on the body and mind, even if you only use the substance once. If you’re taking other medications or using other substances, combing other drugs or alcohol with ketamine can increase the side effects and risk of a potential overdose.

When you take ketamine, the effects will start to set in after approximately 30 minutes but can vary based on your administration method.

Short-Term Effects

Even if you only use ketamine once, you can experience various short-term effects that can put your well-being at risk. When you take ketamine, the effects will start to set in after approximately 30 minutes but can vary based on your administration method. The effects will last about one hour. Some of the short-term effects of ketamine addiction include:

  • Irritation and anxiety
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate 
  • Impaired cognitive functioning
  • Increased body temperature
  • Inability to stay awake
  • Hallucinations
  • Trouble breathing
  • Memory problems
  • Poor impulse control
  • Increased risk for falls or accidents
  • Psychosis symptoms
  • Seizures
  • Detachment from reality

These effects will vary based on dose and whether you mix ketamine with another substance, such as alcohol. Mixing ketamine with depressants will have the most drastic impact and can cause an overdose.

Long-term use can impair the function of multiple organs and create additional mental health challenges.

Long-Term Effects

The longer you use ketamine, the more it will affect your body and mind. Long-term use can impair the function of multiple organs and create additional mental health challenges. Some of the long-term effects of continuous ketamine misuse include:

  • Difficulty maintaining concentration
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Increased risk for stroke, heart attack and other cardiovascular problems
  • Increase tolerance, leading to a need for a higher dose
  • Kidney problems
  • Lapses in memory
  • Bladder problems, such as ulcers or cystitis 
  • Psychosis symptoms, such as hallucinations and disorganized behavior
  • Weight loss
  • Abdominal pain
  • Mood swings
  • Respiratory problems
  • Intense cravings
  • Overdose

Depending on what method you choose to take ketamine, you can cause additional damage to your body. For example, if you choose to snort the drug, you can damage the nose. The inner lining of the nose can swell, and you might experience symptoms similar to a stuffy nose. You can also increase your risk of lung and sinus infections. Snorting ketamine can also put you at risk for nasal perforations, or a hole in the septum of your nose.

Injecting ketamine has a similarly disastrous effect on the body. Injecting the drug can lead to vein collapse, infection of the skin or heart and damage to the internal organs.

Regardless of what administration method you choose, misusing ketamine has dangerous side effects. While many of the effects of ketamine can improve after quitting the drug, some of the effects can be permanent, such as brain and kidney damage. 

The best way to prevent long-term damage from ketamine and a potential overdose is to seek professional treatment to help you detox in a safe and sober environment. It will be easier to overcome ketamine addiction with professional support since an addiction specialist can provide you with the tools to manage your triggers and cravings once ketamine has left your system.

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How to Know When It's Time for Treatment

How to Know When It’s Time for Treatment

If you or someone you love is struggling with ketamine addiction, there will be some telltale signs, such as an inability to control your use or intense cravings. People addicted to ketamine may also have difficulty keeping up with their social life and responsibilities. The more someone uses ketamine, the more intense and noticeable these signs will become.

If ketamine has affected your or a loved one’s quality of life, it’s time to seek treatment. Signs that your quality of life has been affected by ketamine addiction include:

  • Inability to keep up with responsibilities at work, school or home
  • Inability to stop using ketamine, despite the desire to limit use
  • Tension in personal relationships
  • Financial problems 
  • Committing crimes, such as theft or burglary, to afford your next fix
  • Worsening mental health symptoms

It can be challenging to quit the drug on your own since ketamine has a strong psychological effect once it rewires the brain’s reward system. When you try to quit alone, you’re likely still surrounded by many triggers that can cause cravings, and without the proper coping mechanisms, it can be challenging not to give in to temptation.

The best way to overcome ketamine addiction is to seek treatment from an addiction specialist at a professional treatment facility. These specialists have the knowledge and experience to help you safely detox from ketamine. They’ll also provide you with the necessary coping skills to overcome triggers and uncomfortable situations or feelings when you reenter sober society.

Types of Ketamine Addiction Treatment

While overcoming a ketamine addiction can be challenging, it’s possible with expert help. If you’re using ketamine alongside other substances or have a co-occurring mental health disorder, you’ll be treated simultaneously for each condition. 

Various types of treatment are available for ketamine addiction, including inpatient and outpatient treatment. The treatment you’ll need will depend on your circumstances, such as how long you’ve been taking ketamine, the intensity of your cravings and your environment at home. 

When you’re staying at a treatment facility, there’s no chance for you to relapse, allowing your body to detox entirely from all toxins.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment means you’ll reside at the addiction rehabilitation facility for the duration of your treatment. Residential inpatient treatment is best for people who need assistance with withdrawal management or those who live in a home with others who use alcohol or drugs. 

Residential treatment allows you to recover in a sober environment with medical care available 24/7. When you’re staying at a treatment facility, there’s no chance for you to relapse, allowing your body to detox entirely from all toxins. While you’re there, you’ll also undergo other treatments, such as group or individual therapy. You’ll also have a structured routine to follow, which means fewer decisions to make throughout the day. A daily schedule will allow you to focus on your treatment rather than thoughts about using ketamine. 

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment programs are similar to inpatient programs, but the main difference is that you’ll return home at the end of your treatment. Some outpatient treatment programs will keep you at the facility for the whole day, while others will be a few hours of treatment multiple days of the week. The amount of treatment you’ll need will depend on your circumstances.

Many people prefer outpatient treatment due to its flexible nature. You can seek treatment while still keeping up with your outside responsibilities. For example, if you have a child at home, you can come in for treatment while they’re at school and make it home in the afternoon to care for them.

Outpatient treatment has many of the same treatment programs as inpatient treatment. You’ll have access to various therapies, but you won’t have the same access to medical supervision as people in inpatient care. However, outpatient care can still be a good option if you live in a sober environment at home and can manage your triggers outside of treatment. 

Therapy Treatments

Therapy Treatments

Regardless of whether you’re in an inpatient or outpatient program, you’ll participate in similar types of therapy. Since ketamine has a significant impact on a person’s psychological help, treatment for ketamine addiction predominantly focuses on healing the mind through psychotherapy. Therapies for ketamine addiction include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a popular form of psychotherapy used in both addiction and mental health treatment. If you’re seeking treatment for ketamine addiction and have an underlying mental health condition, CBT can help you address both disorders simultaneously. CBT enables you to understand how your thoughts connect to your behaviors. A therapist will help you find ways to change negative thought patterns to influence your behavior while also providing you with coping skills to handle difficult situations. 
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT):DBT is a specific type of CBT and teaches people how to stay present in the moment and deal with stress in healthy ways. DBT can help you find ways to cope with your emotions, so you can overcome triggers and cravings when you experience them. Another goal of DBT is to help you accept where you are in the moment and give you the necessary tools to make improvements.
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT):ACT focuses on helping you accept your current emotional state and prevents you from ignoring or denying your situation. Accepting where you currently are can help you make the necessary changes to improve your quality of life. ACT can help you accept your feelings about your addiction, whether you’re experiencing shame, guilt, anger or another negative emotion. You’ll then use these negative emotions to commit to positive changes to help improve your physical and emotional well-being. 

You’ll participate in a combination of treatments while recovering from ketamine addiction. The goal is to help you understand what made you start using ketamine in the first place and why you’ve developed an addiction to the substance. With a deeper understanding of yourself and your addiction, you’ll be able to overcome your psychological dependence on ketamine and improve your quality of life. You’ll also have the skills to cope with cravings or uncomfortable feelings to prevent a relapse.

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Receive high-quality care for ketamine addiction from Gateway Foundation, one of the nation’s leading rehab facilities. With 16 locations in Illinois to choose from, you can find a nearby treatment center to start your recovery process.

Ketamine Drug Treatment Program Illinois

Ketamine addiction can be dangerous for your physical and mental health, and the risk for relapse increases the longer you use the substance. The goal of treatment is to help you overcome the intense psychological control of ketamine and reduce the risk of relapse. 

This is the process you’ll go through when you decide to seek treatment for your ketamine addiction:

When you first begin ketamine addiction treatment, you’ll receive a professional assessment before starting official treatment.


When you first begin ketamine addiction treatment, you’ll receive a professional assessment before starting official treatment. A professional will ask you questions about your ketamine use. They may ask you if you’re currently under the influence, when you used ketamine last, how often you use the drug and when you started using it. Questions like these help addiction specialists create a personalized treatment plan that would benefit you the most.

You’ll also be asked about your behaviors that could indicate an addiction. For example, they may ask about your relationships or work habits. Being honest during this process is essential to curate your treatment to your specific needs.

You might also have to take a urine or blood test during the assessment process to determine how much ketamine is in your system. A professional will also evaluate your mental health to determine if you have any underlying conditions requiring simultaneous treatment.

Medication-assisted withdrawal can also help you start treatment sooner since you’ll feel more relaxed than overwhelmed by withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal Management

Once you’ve completed your assessment, you’ll start the withdrawal management process. Withdrawal management is possible in inpatient and outpatient programs, but it’s easier to achieve in an inpatient program where you can be supervised. Detoxing from ketamine will allow you to focus on your treatment and learn how to manage your triggers and cravings. 

Withdrawal management will help you manage the uncomfortable feelings as ketamine leaves your body. You may also be provided medication to help you feel safe and comfortable. Medication-assisted withdrawal can also help you start treatment sooner since you’ll feel more relaxed than overwhelmed by withdrawal symptoms. 

During withdrawal, you’ll be monitored by medical staff on a 24/7 basis, ensuring you’re as safe as possible. A physician will also direct your care, so you can rest assured that you’re getting the most professional care possible. 



As you’re detoxing from ketamine, you’ll participate in various treatments to help you understand the underlying cause of your addiction and learn skills to manage triggers and cravings. There are multiple types of addiction therapy, including:

  • Trauma-informed therapy: Some people start using ketamine to cope with thoughts and feelings left over from traumatic experiences. Trauma-informed therapy can help you resolve your trauma and improve your physical and emotional symptoms. You’ll also learn how to cope with your feelings in healthy ways so you can recover from ketamine addiction.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT): DBT programs focus on regulating your emotions so you can overcome intense feelings and remain rational in emotionally challenging situations. You’re encouraged to change the aspects of your life you can control, such as the behaviors that influenced your ketamine addiction. You’ll learn to manage stressful situations so you don’t turn to substances to cope with uncomfortable feelings.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): When you participate in a CBT program, you focus on how your thoughts influence your behaviors. You’ll learn how to change your thought patterns related to addiction so you no longer view ketamine as necessary to cope with stressful situations. You’ll also build healthy coping skills to manage your problems.
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT): An ACT program will encourage you to accept your emotions rather than ignoring or worrying about them. Once you’ve accepted your feelings, you can commit to making positive changes in your life. You’ll set goals that align with your values to help you create a better life free from addiction. 
  • Motivational interviewing: Motivational interviewing encourages you to dedicate yourself to the recovery process. When some people enter rehab, they’re not always convinced that their addiction is negatively impacting their life or that they need help. Motivational interviewing helps you reframe your thoughts and understand how addiction is detrimental to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. 
  • Coping skills therapy: Coping skills therapy is essential for the recovery process. Learning how to utilize healthy coping mechanisms helps you manage stressful situations without the need for substance misuse and can prevent a relapse. 
  • Group and individual therapy: You’ll participate in group and individual therapywhen you’re in rehab. Group therapy allows you to connect with others who share similar experiences, which can help you feel less isolated during your recovery. Individual therapy is where you can discuss things you talked about in group therapy or address specific concerns that you don’t feel comfortable sharing with other people.


The last part of the process is aftercare planning. Once you finish official treatment and reenter sober society, you’ll have to manage your triggers and cope with challenging situations. You’ll learn how to cope with these circumstances in therapy, but aftercare planning can help you create a specific outline for handling these situations. 

You’ll work with a professional to create a detailed aftercare plan specific to your needs. You’ll outline your triggers and ways to avoid them or manage your feelings if you cannot prevent the situation. Your aftercare plan should also include the names and contact information of people you can call when you need help or feel like you might relapse.

An aftercare program might also include a 12-step support program. These programs allow you to meet with others in recovery and discuss your challenges and concerns or ask questions. Connecting with others who share your experiences can help you validate your emotions and find support from people who understand what you’re going through. These support programs are a lifelong resource to help you remain successful in your recovery from ketamine addiction. 

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Imagine A Life Freed From Ketamine Addiction

Don’t let your addiction continue to poison your life. Start your recovery journey today.

Benefits of Seeking Treatment for Ketamine Addiction

Benefits of Seeking Treatment for Ketamine Addiction

Addiction can be challenging to overcome, but professional addiction specialists at rehab facilities are equipped to handle your every need to help you take control of your addiction and adjust back to sober living. Many people seek professional help due to the many benefits treatment facilities offer. Some of these benefits include:

  • Addiction education: Understanding how addiction happens and how it can affect your life can help you learn how to overcome your triggers and cravings. At an addiction rehab facility, you’ll learn all about your addiction and coping mechanisms to help you adjust to sober living.
  • Treatment of underlying causes or conditions: In many cases, underlying physical, mental or emotional conditions are why people start using substances. Rather than just treating your addiction, you’ll receive treatment for all underlying conditions and gain a deeper understanding of why your addiction started. You’ll gain the skills to cope with these conditions in healthy ways rather than relying on substances to cope with stress or uncomfortable feelings. 
  • Developing healthy coping strategies: When you participate in therapy at a treatment facility, you’ll learn coping mechanisms to manage uncomfortable feelings and cravings. Part of this process involves developing short- and long-term goals to provide guidance and structure as you work through the recovery process. You can set goals related to your health, personal relationships, work or passions. 
  • Daily structure: When you get treatment at a professional addiction treatment center, you’re provided with a daily structure to keep you focused on your treatment. Before treatment, your behaviors are focused on your addiction, whether it’s finding ways to afford ketamine or wondering when you’re going to be able to use it again. Official treatment helps you find balance in the day-to-day and gives you a routine you can mimic once you return home after treatment. 
  • Access to support: People often lack access to a support network while struggling with addiction, which is a vital part of recovery. When you start treatment at an official addiction center, you’ll have access to 24/7 support. You’ll also be able to attend support groups to connect with people who share your experiences. Having someone to talk to when you have cravings or uncomfortable feelings can help prevent relapse.
  • Relapse prevention: One of the most significant benefits of treatment is relapse prevention education and planning. Substance use disorders are chronic illnesses that require active management after official treatment. You’ll learn what factors in your life could contribute to a relapse, whether it’s stress or your environment at home. Once you understand what your triggers are, you’ll be given the tools to manage your responses to these triggers so you don’t rely on ketamine to cope. 
  • Access to multiple types of treatment: One type of treatment won’t work for everyone, which is why addiction treatment programs offer multiple levels of care to accommodate the unique needs of each individual. A professional addiction specialist will assess your addiction and determine what level of treatment is right for you to have the best chance of success.

Gateway was one of the best decisions of my life they truly saved me from the road I was headed down! I would love to thank the staff and of course my amazing counselor Adrain really helped me refocus my life on the right path without gateway I wouldn’t have made it thank you and I love this place I always come back to alumni meeting and events.

Carlos A

My family member just competed her 28 day stay she had a great experience the staff is wonderful and treated her with respect and went above and beyond to help her. Gateway saved my family members life. It was not easy finding a nice inpatient rehab and gateway made the whole process very smooth we are so thankful we found this facility. Thank you gateway.


Spent some time here and got some great tools to help me in my recovery. My counselors in the women’s unit were great and supportive. Love the monthly alumni meetings after treatment, great way to stay connected.

Magdalene M

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Gateway was one of the best decisions of my life they truly saved me from the road I was headed down! I would love to thank the staff and of course my amazing counselor Adrain really helped me refocus my life on the right path without gateway I wouldn’t have made it thank you and I love this place I always come back to alumni meeting and events.

Carlos A

My family member just competed her 28 day stay she had a great experience the staff is wonderful and treated her with respect and went above and beyond to help her. Gateway saved my family members life. It was not easy finding a nice inpatient rehab and gateway made the whole process very smooth we are so thankful we found this facility. Thank you gateway.


Spent some time here and got some great tools to help me in my recovery. My counselors in the women’s unit were great and supportive. Love the monthly alumni meetings after treatment, great way to stay connected.

Magdalene M

Frequently Asked Questions About Ketamine Treatment

Treatment for ketamine addiction can be confusing if you’ve never sought addiction treatment before. Below, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about ketamine addiction treatment to help you understand what you can expect and where to start. 

When Should I Seek Treatment?

People will seek treatment at different stages of addiction. If using ketamine starts to affect your life negatively, you should seek treatment. Using ketamine regularly can affect your physical and mental well-being on top of other aspects of your life, including your personal and work relationships. 

What Medications Are Used in Detox?

Various medications are used in medication-assisted detox to make you more comfortable during withdrawal. Different drugs used in detox include:

  • Disulfiram
  • Naltrexone
  • Methadone
  • Buprenorphine

Each of these medications has different effects. Naltrexone is often used to make taking ketamine and other drugs less appealing. Buprenorphine is prescribed to help reduce cravings and make withdrawal symptoms more comfortable. This medication can also trick the body and mind into thinking you’re still consuming ketamine or other drugs so you can clear the toxins from your body.

When you go in for your assessment, an addiction specialist will help you determine what medication is proper for you. If you’re taking any other medications for other health conditions, inform your specialist so they can prescribe you a medication that doesn’t interact with anything you’re currently taking. 

Will Insurance Cover My Treatment?

Many people are concerned about the rehab costs, especially since inpatient care has upfront costs. The good news is that most insurance providers cover most rehab costs. In the United States, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) requires insurance providers to offer the same coverage for mental health or addiction conditions as physical conditions. 

Different providers will have limitations on their coverage, so you should know what your provider covers and what you’ll be required to pay out of pocket. However, you can assume that you’ll have some coverage if you have an insurance policy.

What Is an Average Day in Treatment Like?

A day in treatment will look different for each person, depending on their personalized treatment plan. Some people require different levels of care, such as inpatient treatment, while others participate in an outpatient program. 

If you’re participating in an inpatient program, your day will look similar to others residing within the facility. You’ll have a set time to wake up in the morning and a time to be in bed. 

During the day, you’ll have a set schedule filled with therapy and other forms of treatment. Addiction specialists will ensure that all activities and treatments are engaging and informational to help you understand yourself and your addiction. The structured schedule will help you keep your mind off negative thoughts and uncomfortable feelings while building a new set of healthy habits. 

How Do I Start Treatment?

If you’ve decided to take the first step and seek treatment, you can get started by reaching out to an addiction treatment facility or specialist. At Gateway Foundation, we make first-time treatment as simple as possible so you can get the help you need without confusion. Our team of specialists can walk you through the process and answer any questions you might have about treatment. They’ll also recommend what type of treatment would be best for you.

Seek Treatment for Ketamine Addiction at Gateway Foundation

Seek Treatment for Ketamine Addiction at Gateway Foundation

If you or a loved one is struggling with ketamine addiction, you’re not alone. Many people just like you have found success in professional treatment. Overcoming ketamine addiction is essential for your physical, mental and emotional well-being. If you’re ready to take the first step towards recovery, Gateway Foundation is here to help.

We offer multiple levels of care and support, regardless of whether you choose inpatient or outpatient care. You’ll have access to various services and treatments to help you reclaim and improve your life. Contact us today to learn more about our services and find relief from ketamine addiction in Chicago, Illinois.

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