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Heroin Addiction Treatment

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Heroin Addiction Treatment

Nearly one million Americans have used heroin in the last year, and more than half of those individuals have a heroin use disorder, a testament to the addictive potential of the drug. People who use heroin often experience dramatic life changes due to their addiction, whether it’s their health or personal life. Heroin addiction treatment can help you improve your quality of life and overcome addiction. 

Below, you’ll learn about heroin addiction, ways to identify addiction in yourself or a loved one and the variety of effective treatments for heroin addiction. 

What Is Heroin?

Heroin is an illegal street drug that goes by many names, including hell dust and smack. Heroin is an addictive drug derived from morphine, a highly controlled substance made from poppy plants and used as a painkiller in hospitals. Heroin is often in the form of a white or brown powder, which is sometimes mixed or “cut” with other substances, including cornstarch, baby powder or black tar. 

The addictive opioid drug can be injected, snorted or smoked, though heroin is most often associated with injection or “shooting.” Injecting heroin allows it to enter the bloodstream immediately and deliver its effects to the opioid receptors in the brain. When these receptors are activated, a person will experience a surge of dopamine, creating an intense feeling of pleasure. 

The euphoric feeling from the dopamine release and altered pain reception encourages people to continue using heroin, which can lead to cravings and heroin use disorder.

The federal government considers heroin a Schedule I substance, meaning the drug has no acceptable medical applications and has a high risk of misuse and addiction.

The federal government considers heroin a Schedule I substance, meaning the drug has no acceptable medical applications and has a high risk of misuse and addiction. The “rush” people experience when heroin passes the blood-brain barrier and activates the opioid receptors is what makes the drug so addicting. 

Obtaining heroin from the streets puts you at risk since you can’t be sure about the purity of the drug or what it’s been laced with. Dealers sometimes mix heroin with poisons or pesticides that increase the risk of an overdose. 

Signs and Symptoms of a Heroin Addiction

An increased tolerance often leads to addiction, and it becomes challenging to quit using the drug once the body has developed physical and psychological dependence.

Once a person starts using heroin regularly, they’ll begin to develop a tolerance, meaning they’ll need to use more of the drug to achieve the desired effect. An increased tolerance often leads to addiction, and it becomes challenging to quit using the drug once the body has developed physical and psychological dependence.

Many people with a substance use disorder share similar signs, as drug addiction can negatively impact a person’s life and well-being. Some of the signs of heroin addiction include:

  • Changes in mood and behavior
  • Loss of concentration and interest in activities
  • Social isolation or spending time with peers who use heroin
  • Pushing friends and family away due to guilt or shame
  • Stealing from loved ones or participating in illegal activities to finance the addiction
  • Loss of productivity at work or inability to hold down a job
  • Spending most of the time thinking about obtaining or using heroin
  • Wearing long-sleeve T-shirts or pants to hide track marks, even when it’s hot outside
  • Inability to keep up with priorities or tasks
  • Not trying to quit despite the negative physical, mental and social effects
  • Hoarding heroin paraphernalia, such as needles, spoons, foil and lighters
  • Track marks at the point of injection, such as the crease of the elbow, the hands, feet and legs
  • Lack of personal hygiene
  • Hostile or aggressive behavior

When a person becomes addicted to heroin, they’ll find it challenging to quit even when they experience various negative consequences. Heroin has multiple effects on the body, creating unique symptoms, such as:

  • Severe itching
  • Shifting between consciousness and asleep
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Worsening mental health conditions
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Flushed skin
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Heavy feeling in the arms or legs

Symptoms of Heroin Withdrawal

Symptoms of Heroin Withdrawal

If someone becomes addicted to heroin and they stop using the drug suddenly, they’ll experience withdrawal symptoms that can potentially be severe and life-threatening without medical intervention. Withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable and can dissuade a person from quitting heroin. Some of these withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Frustration or irritability
  • Anger or rage
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Mood swings
  • High heart rate or blood pressure
  • Sweating or cold flashes
  • Restlessness
  • Digestive issues
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Intense cravings

If you or a loved one is experiencing any signs or symptoms of heroin addiction, it’s time to seek treatment from a professional addiction specialist. 

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Don’t Ignore The Signs

Heroin use destroys lives. Get the support you need to help yourself or your loved one break free of heroin addiction.

Risk Factors and Causes of Heroin Addiction

Risk Factors and Causes of Heroin Addiction

There is no single cause for heroin addiction, but various factors usually work together to contribute to the addiction. Some of the causes and risk factors of heroin addiction include:

  • Genetics: A person won’t become addicted to heroin simply because of their genetics, but once they start using heroin, their genetics could make it more likely for an addiction to form. A person might have a family history of addiction that makes them more susceptible to it, especially when they have an immediate relative with a substance use disorder. Some people also have certain personality traits that could make them more prone to addiction once they start using heroin. 
  • Physical changes: Using heroin changes the way the brain experiences pleasure, and if a person uses heroin repeatedly, the nerve cells begin to change. Once these changes take effect, a person will need to use heroin more to make up for the missing neurotransmitters. Regular heroin use also impairs brain functioning, such as the ability to process information, control impulses and communicate. A person with heroin addiction might compromise their safety or others as a result. 
  • Underlying mental health conditions: Some people use heroin to self-medicate and find relief from their mental health symptoms. Heroin can provide temporary relief from uncomfortable symptoms and feelings but often worsen mental health conditions. 
  • Environmental cues: Certain environmental factors play a part in the development of heroin addiction, such as peer pressure, exposure to substances and family beliefs and traditions. For example, if a person has friends that use heroin, they may be tempted to use the drug while hanging out with their friends to feel included. 
  • Stress or isolation: When people feel anxiety or loneliness, they might turn to substances to cope with these feelings. Once they find temporary relief from feelings of stress or loneliness, they’ll start to rely on heroin whenever they need a way to cope with uncomfortable feelings.
  • Previous substance use: If a person used substances and developed an addiction in the past, they can be more likely to develop an addiction to heroin. People who used opioids or prescription drugs in the past may develop a heroin addiction, as using the drug will affect the opioid receptors in the brain. Heroin use can trigger cravings and cause a person to relapse and increase the risk of co-occurring addictions. 

Other causes and risk factors for heroin addiction include a history of trauma, lack of social support and low self-esteem. When multiple risk factors and causes come together, the risk of heroin addiction increases. Once a person becomes addicted to heroin, it can be challenging to quit without professional help. 

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Heroin Addiction

Using heroin has various short- and long-term effects on the brain and body. There are negative consequences on a person’s physical, mental and social well-being when they become addicted to heroin. It’s essential to be aware of the effects of heroin so you know when it’s time to get help for yourself or a loved one.

Short-Term Effects

When a person uses heroin, the drug enters the bloodstream and creates a “rush” of pleasure. Other short-term effects of heroin include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Decreased heart rate
  • Slowed breathing
  • Clouded thoughts
  • Small pupils
  • Sudden behavioral changes
  • Nodding off or alternating between unconsciousness and being awake
  • Loss of interest in activities or surroundings
  • Being hyperaware of the surrounding environment
  • Feeling sick
  • A temporary feeling of euphoria

Repeated heroin use can quickly alter the chemicals in the brain and create an addiction.

The short-term effects of heroin can last for a few hours. Once these effects start to wear off, a person can experience a depressed mood and will want to use heroin again to improve how they’re feeling. Repeated heroin use can quickly alter the chemicals in the brain and create an addiction.

Long-Term Effects

Heroin has various severe long-term effects on the brain and body, including:

  • Sexual dysfunction in men
  • Changes in a women’s menstrual cycle
  • Respiratory problems
  • Kidney or liver disease
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Long-lasting mental health problems
  • Digestive issues, such as constipation or cramping
  • Heart infections

Buying heroin on the street can put you at risk since you don't know what the drug could have been mixed with.

Buying heroin on the street can put you at risk since you don’t know what the drug could have been mixed with. Dealers have started mixing heroin with fentanyl, another dangerous opioid drug with a high potential for overdose. Some substances mixed with heroin can cause permanent damage to various organs, including the brain, lungs and liver. 

Repeated heroin use can also alter how the brain functions, and a person will feel the need to use the drug to feel comfortable. They’ll also find it challenging to quit the drug, despite the negative consequences on their physical, mental and social well-being.

Health Effects Based on Heroin Use Method

Depending on how you choose to administer heroin, you can experience various effects in different parts of the body. For example, if you inject heroin, you can have scabs or an abscess develop at the injection site. If you choose to snort heroin, you can cause damage to your nasal cavity or respiratory system. Long-term snorting of heroin can cause nasal perforations holes in the septum. You may also experience more frequent nose bleeds and a weakened immune system, making you more prone to illness or infections.

Injecting heroin also increases your risk of HIV or other bloodborne infections by sharing needles

Injecting heroin also increases your risk of HIV or other bloodborne infections if you share needles with other people. Being under the effects of heroin can also impact your judgment and make you more likely to participate in reckless behaviors, such as sharing drug paraphernalia or dangerous sexual acts. 

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Signs It’s Time for Heroin Addiction Treatment

Due to heroin’s effects on the brain and body, the drug has the potential to create an intense physical and psychological dependence, leading to addiction. Once a person becomes addicted to heroin, they’ll exhibit various signs, such as:

  • Tension in personal relationships
  • Difficulty holding down a job
  • Financial strain
  • Physical and mental health complications
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities
  • Inability to take care of themselves
  • Continuing to use heroin despite the consequences
  • Inability to quit using heroin, despite having the desire to stop
  • Increased tolerance
  • Obsessing over obtaining or using heroin

If you notice these signs in yourself or a loved one, it’s likely time to seek heroin addiction treatment. The more severe the signs and symptoms, the more severe heroin addiction is considered. People in the early stages of their addiction may be resistant to treatment, mainly because they believe that their addiction hasn’t negatively affected their lives. Those with more severe addiction may find it challenging to quit, even after multiple attempts. 

To recover from heroin addiction, seek professional treatment from a heroin addiction treatment program.

To recover from heroin addiction, seek professional treatment from a heroin addiction treatment program. The staff is trained to provide you with quality treatment and tools to help you manage your addiction and overcome triggers and cravings. 

A heroin addiction treatment center will also make your withdrawal symptoms more comfortable so you can focus on your treatment. You’ll have access to constant support to help you maintain accountability in recovery and help you when you experience challenges. 

Types of Treatment Available for Heroin Addiction

Various types of treatment exist for heroin addiction since some people will benefit more from one treatment over another. Each person has unique circumstances and factors that contribute to their addiction, so personalized treatment is the best way to help patients overcome their heroin use disorder. 

Below are some of the common types of treatment you’ll encounter at a heroin addiction treatment facility. 

Medication-Assisted Detox

When a person stops using heroin, they can experience various withdrawal symptoms, including cravings and physical symptoms. Heroin withdrawal can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, dangerous to a person’s health. Long-term dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea can cause medical complications that require medical intervention, for instance.

A medication-assisted treatment program can help you manage your withdrawal symptoms and make you more comfortable during treatment. You’ll be monitored by medical staff 24/7 to ensure the medication is working and that you’re as comfortable as possible. 

Different pharmacologic treatments used during the detox process include Naltrexone, Disulfiram, Methadone and Buprenorphine. An addiction specialist will help you determine which medication is proper for you to help you feel safe and secure during your treatment.

Inpatient Care

A residential inpatient treatment program helps you recover from heroin addiction in a safe and sober environment. While you may experience cravings as you detox from heroin, you won’t be able to give in to temptation in residential care. You’ll be able to overcome the most challenging part of recovery under the care and supervision of trained medical staff. 

Inpatient programs provide patients with a routine that limits the number of decisions they have to make to focus on their treatment rather than their cravings and uncomfortable feelings. 

Patients will also have access to a withdrawal management program to help them manage their lingering symptoms. While the physical withdrawal symptoms can fade rather quickly, the psychological symptoms can last much longer. You’ll have access to medication if you need it and counseling to help you manage how you’re feeling.

Outpatient Care

Patients can also participate in an outpatient treatment program if they need more flexibility in their treatment. Some people have responsibilities in their daily lives, including childcare, work or school. Outpatient care allows people to maintain their responsibilities while improving their overall well-being.

The intensity of your outpatient care will vary based on the severity of your addiction. Some people will attend treatment for eight hours a day, five days a week. Others might attend meetings every other day for a few hours. You’ll also have access to many of the same treatments as people in inpatient care, including withdrawal management and various types of therapy.


Regardless of whether you participate in inpatient and outpatient care, you’ll attend various therapies to help you get to the root of your addiction. Therapy can help you restructure your thinking and improve how you view yourself and your addiction. Therapy will also help you treat any underlying medical conditions or trauma that could be contributing to your addiction. 


Some of the psychotherapy and behavioral therapies used in treating heroin addiction include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): A CBT program will analyze your current thought patterns and how they’re contributing to your addiction. You’ll also learn coping skills to help you manage your cravings and triggers when you reenter society. You’ll be able to focus on solutions rather than your problems. 
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT):DBT programs have evolved from CBT treatment. You’ll learn how to manage your emotions in challenging situations. DBT treatment can be used to address addiction and underlying mental health conditions. The goal is to be more mindful of your situation and accept your current state of mind. By changing your thought process like this, you can make positive changes.
  • Trauma therapy: Some people start using heroin to cope with their trauma and the uncomfortable memories and feelings associated with these events. Trauma therapy programs help you address the source of your trauma and treat the physical and mental symptoms resulting from it. You’ll learn how to cope with stress from traumatic events or experiences in a healthy and productive way to prevent further substance misuse. 
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT): People in addiction treatment sometimes find it challenging to accept their circumstances and emotions related to addiction. An ACT program helps you accept where you are to start making goals for the future and commit to your treatment. You’ll be able to focus on the bigger picture rather than mistakes of your past or worries about your future. 
  • Motivational interviewing: While some people are committed to their recovery from the start, others can be resistant to treatment because they don’t believe their addiction is negatively impacting their life. Motivational interviewing helps these patients understand the importance of addiction treatment and actively involves patients in their treatment. A counselor will ask you about your goals and how substance misuse can negatively affect your life, such as your career or family life. 

Once you enter treatment, an addiction specialist will help you determine which type of therapy is right for you. You’ll likely participate in multiple forms of treatment to get to the root of your addiction and improve your physical and mental well-being. 

Relapse Prevention 

One of the most critical parts of heroin addiction treatment is relapse prevention, which equips patients with the tools to prevent triggers and cravings from causing a relapse. Substance use disorders are lifelong diseases and don’t go away once official treatment ends. Once a person reenters society, they may encounter triggers and cravings that could result in a relapse.

Relapse prevention helps you create a plan to prevent relapse when encountering a challenging situation. You’ll learn how to utilize coping skills and your support network in reaction to your triggers and stressors. For example, if you experience stress at work, rather than turning to heroin to cope with stress, you’ll learn healthy ways to respond to this situation. You’ll also have access to healthy alternatives to substances, such as yoga, meditation, journaling and hiking. 

The Process of Treating Heroin Addiction

When you decide it’s time for treatment, you’ll go through a specific process to facilitate a successful recovery. An addiction specialist will walk you through each step to make the process as simple as possible. Below is what you can expect when entering an official treatment program. 


Before you begin official treatment, you’ll meet with an addiction specialist for an assessment. The evaluation will help you and your specialist create a personalized plan to help you get the most out of your treatment. 

During the assessment, it’s essential to be honest about your experiences and symptoms to get the level of care you need to improve your well-being. You can rest assured that an addiction treatment center is a safe and non-judgmental space to share your feelings and experience with heroin. The staff is dedicated to providing you with quality, compassionate care. 

Once the assessment begins, an addiction specialist will ask you questions about your substance use. They might ask questions such as:

  • Are you under the influence of heroin right now?
  • When was the last time you used heroin?
  • How often do you use heroin, and at what dosage?
  • When did you start using heroin?

They may also ask you questions about how addiction is affecting your life. For example, they might ask about your productivity at work or your family life. They’ll also ask about your physical and mental symptoms to get an accurate idea of the severity of your addiction. 

Once you’ve answered all of their questions, you may also take a urine or blood test to determine the level of substances in your system. Additional testing may be required to see if you have any underlying health problems.

You’ll also be assessed for various mental health conditions that could be contributing to your addiction. Many people who enter addiction treatment have co-occurring disorders that require simultaneous treatment. If an addiction specialist determines that you have an underlying mental health condition, they’ll curate your personalized treatment plan to address both disorders. 



Once you’ve completed your assessment, the next step is to detox from heroin so you can start treatment and enjoy sober living. Heroin withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable and, in severe cases, life-threatening. As your body detoxes from the drug, you’ll have access to 24/7 medical supervision to ensure your safety and comfort. You may also participate in a medication-assisted treatment program to help you cope with the uncomfortable symptoms and focus on your treatment. 

Withdrawal management can also help you deal with the lingering symptoms and help you learn what to expect as your body readjusts to sobriety. Access to medical support and care can help you maintain your sobriety during recovery and help you cope with your symptoms in healthy and productive ways.


As you detox from heroin, you’ll participate in various treatments to help you get to the root cause of your addiction and provide you structure so you have fewer decisions to make throughout the day. Whether you’re in an inpatient or outpatient program, you’ll have access to many of the same treatments, including:

  • CBT
  • DBT
  • ACT
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Trauma therapy

You can also use coping skills therapy to learn how to handle challenging situations and your triggers. Coping skills can help you overcome uncomfortable feelings related to mental health conditions and addiction. 

Part of your treatment may also include group and individual therapy. Group therapy will help you connect with others who share your experiences so you feel less isolated during treatment. Members from these therapy sessions can even become a vital part of your support network and can hold you accountable through treatment. 

You may also participate in recreational activities during treatment, which will help you learn how to enjoy other activities besides drug use and how you can take care of yourself during recovery. One of these activities can turn into a healthy passion or interest you can use as a coping mechanism once you complete official treatment. 


The final step in your treatment will be to create an aftercare plan to help you take care of yourself once you complete treatment. You’ll work with an addiction specialist on a relapse prevention plan, which will outline your triggers and how to handle uncomfortable situations. You’ll also list the names and contact information of your support network so you can call them when you feel like you might relapse.

One of the ways you can work to sustain your sobriety is by participating in a 12-step support group through our heroin drug addiction treatment program in Illinois. These are group meetings where you connect with others who share similar experiences with addiction and talk about your challenges or concerns. You can also ask questions or offer your support to others going through a tough time. Aftercare planning is essential for your treatment since it will help you maintain your sobriety long after official treatment.

The Benefits of Heroin Treatment

The Benefits of Heroin Treatment

While addiction is a lifelong disease that requires constant diligence to sustain sobriety, seeking official treatment has some immediate benefits that can help you work through the process. These benefits can help patients feel confident in their recovery and motivated to continue further treatment. 

With the right treatment program and consistent dedication to improving your overall well-being, the benefits of heroin addiction treatment can follow you for life. Some of these positives include:

  • Access to support: An official addiction treatment program gives you access to ongoing support from the moment you start detoxing to well after leaving the facility. Support is an essential part of the addiction treatment process. Medical staff and your support network can help you through your withdrawal symptoms and prevent a relapse. If you’ve finished official treatment, you can call a member of your support groups to help you when you encounter one of your triggers. They can help hold you accountable and remind you to stay committed to recovery.
  • Positive behavioral changes: People who use heroin often engage in dangerous behaviors, such as sharing needles with someone who might have HIV or another bloodborne disease. Heroin use can also cause people to neglect their hygiene and physical health, causing various issues. When a person seeks heroin treatment, they’ll stop participating in many of these behaviors and learn how to take care of themselves. Once they’re in treatment, they can start making healthy choices and reduce the risk of a fatal overdose. 
  • Improved physical and mental health: Heroin has various adverse effects on a person’s physical and psychological health, such as organ damage, disease and worsening mental health symptoms. Once a person quits using heroin, many of these conditions can improve, and they can start undergoing treatment to help alleviate the lasting symptoms. Feeling healthier can also reduce cravings for the drug, as many people continue to use heroin to relieve uncomfortable physical or mental conditions. 
  • Treatment of underlying conditions: Many people struggling with heroin addiction also have an underlying mental health disorder that contributes to their substance misuse. When you seek treatment from addiction specialists, they’ll treat both conditions simultaneously to help you get to the root of your substance use. Treating mental health conditions often reduces a person’s cravings for heroin since they no longer need the drug to self-medicate.
  • Improved work and family relationships: Heroin addiction can cause a lot of tension at work and within the family. Seeking treatment can help you improve these relationships since your addiction will no longer hold you back from being productive at work or spending quality time with your loved ones. When these relationships improve, people often feel more supported throughout their recovery and experience less stress that could trigger a relapse. 
  • New goals and healthy habits: Part of your treatment focuses on building healthy coping mechanisms and goals to help you improve your well-being during and after treatment. These goals allow you to focus on something else besides your past substance use and give you the skills you need to manage your triggers or challenging situations. 

Seeking treatment sets you up for long-term success since you'll be equipped with the skills and support network to sustain your recovery.

Seeking treatment sets you up for long-term success since you’ll be equipped with the skills and support network to sustain your recovery. If you or a loved one is considering heroin addiction treatment, consider how the benefits can positively change your life.

Frequently Asked Questions About Heroin Addiction Treatment

If you’ve never gone through addiction treatment before, you likely have some questions about the process and what you can expect. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most commonly asked questions to help make the treatment process more approachable. 

1. How Long Does Heroin Stay in the System?

When you’re detoxing from heroin, you may have concerns about how long the substance will stay in your system. Multiple factors will determine how long heroin will remain in your system, including:

  • Body mass
  • Length and severity of your addiction
  • Liver problems
  • Interactions with other drugs

In general, the withdrawal timeline will typically start within 12 hours after taking your last dose.

In general, the withdrawal timeline will typically start within 12 hours after taking your last dose. The physical withdrawal symptoms can fade after about a week, but the psychological symptoms can linger. Official treatment will help you manage these symptoms and help you develop the skills to overcome your triggers and prevent a relapse. 

2. What Does an Average Day in Treatment Look Like?

Residential inpatient treatment programs follow a specific structure to help reduce stress and limit decisions for patients. While in inpatient treatment, you’ll have a set time to wake up and go to sleep each day. Once you’re up and have eaten breakfast, you’ll start participating in various treatments and activities to help you overcome your addiction. 

In the morning, you’ll likely participate in group therapy led by a counselor to help you understand how your addiction started and how you can make positive changes to your behavior and prevent a relapse. After lunch, you may participate in more group and individual therapy, which will vary from person to person. You might be treated for addiction and mental health simultaneously during individual treatment, or you might discuss your traumas with a counselor. 

You may have a few hours of free time toward the end of the day to participate in recreational activities, such as yoga, hiking or meditation. After dinner, there may be another individual or group therapy session to help you process everything you learned throughout the day and ask questions if you’re unsure about something. 

3. Will My Insurance Cover My Treatment?

Thanks to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) passed by the United States government, insurance providers must provide the same level of coverage for mental health and addiction as they would physical conditions. However, it’s important to remember that if you have limited coverage for physical ailments, you will also have limited coverage for mental health conditions and addiction treatment. Despite this, most insurance providers cover some level of addiction treatment.

Gateway Foundation accepts all major insurance providers. Part of the admissions process involves gathering your health insurance information, and an expert can help you understand your specific coverage.

4. How Can I Help a Loved One With Heroin Addiction?

If a loved one is struggling with heroin addiction, the best thing you can offer is your support. Before talking with a loved one, you should get advice from an addiction specialist to approach them in the best way. 

When you talk with your loved one about their heroin addiction, it’s essential to remain calm. You don’t want your loved one to think you’re angry with them or accusing them of something. Remember that addiction is a disease, and once a person’s substance use has gotten to that point, it’s nearly impossible to control without professional help. 

Be honest about how their addiction is affecting your relationship and their life. Emphasize that you care about their well-being and are willing to help in any way.

Some people might react defensively or angrily when approached with the reality of their addiction. Try not to get angry back at them and stay as calm as possible. If your approach doesn’t work, you can always seek professional help from a counselor to talk to your loved ones about needing treatment. 

Seek Heroin Addiction Treatment in Chicago and Beyond

Seek Heroin Addiction Treatment in Chicago and Beyond

Heroin addiction can affect a person’s life in many ways. The longer a person uses heroin, the more problems they may have with their physical and mental health. They may also experience challenges in their personal life, such as tense family relationships or the inability to hold down a job. The good news is that it’s possible to recover from heroin addiction and improve your quality of life.

Gateway Foundation has many levels of care to accommodate your needs and help you find success in your addiction treatment. We can teach you the skills you need to handle your triggers and take care of yourself during each stage of your recovery process. Contact us today to learn more about our heroin addiction treatment centers in Chicago, Illinois, and beyond. 

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When you are ready to overcome your heroin addiction, you can depend on getting the help you need in our heroin addiction treatment centers. Contact us today and start your recovery journey.