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Money Management for Individuals Recovering From Addiction

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Many things come with recovery. Among the essential elements for success in recovery are emotional support, self-awareness, spirituality and money management.

Money management for anyone recovering from alcohol addiction is the most problematic of them all. People with addiction are notoriously bad with money. They tend to overspend to satisfy the craving. Misspending money can lead to stress, which further hurts recovery efforts, since stress increases the chances of relapse.

People in recovery need to learn how to manage money wisely to increase their chances of success in their recovery journey. The recovery period is a time to learn and engage in activities that will keep them away from drugs and alcohol.

Money as a Relapse Trigger

People in recovery should be offered financial skills so they can learn how to get their finances on track. If they’re not taught this vital skill, they’re bound to resort to poor money management. Money issues are among the biggest relapse triggers. Poor use of money can drive someone into debt and make them unable to pay bills, which can result in stress. Whenever a person feels stressed or hopeless, they may turn to alcohol and drugs as a means of coping with the stress.

The first step to overcoming money as a relapse trigger is to learn how to avoid it. At Gateway Foundation, we offer financial assistance to equip people recovering from addiction with money management techniques, including saving money, budgeting, and tracking their expenses to help them use their money wisely.

In the end, money will never be a relapse trigger again. Instead, it will serve as one way to lead people onto their path to recovery. Also, putting money in a bank, where it’s not easily accessible, is an excellent way to avoid the trigger.

Returning to Work

Going back to work is one way to get financially stable, improve your self-esteem, and be more responsible. Returning to work can pose a big relapse challenge, especially if your workplace was one of the reasons you got into alcohol addiction.

Some triggers at work include:

  • Work-related stress that may make you want to unwind after a long day in the office
  • Meeting with co-workers who were your drinking buddies or those that offer to buy you a drink
  • Fear of failure and low self-esteem at the workplace can act as relapse triggers

How to Get Finances on Track and Manage Money Better

Recovering is a continuous process, and so is getting your finances back on track. You need a recovering counselor who will double as a financial advisor to offer life skills on how you can manage your finances better.

By taking better control of your finances, you should be able to turn your financial situation around. Our financial counselor will talk to you and provide you with the best ways to manage money, depending on your experience.

Some of these will include:

  • Avoiding the use of ATM cards
  • Letting someone you trust keep cash for you
  • Classifying wants and needs
  • Paying off debts with the counselor’s guidance

Contact Us Today

Money management and going back to work after some time in rehab can pose a significant challenge to a someone recovering from addiction. This challenge is due to there being many relapse triggers that you may come across while managing your money or meeting your old friends at work.

At Gateway Foundation, we have experienced counselors who will help you manage your finances, identify your specific relapse triggers, and equip you with the right skills to avoid them. Call us today at877.379.6911 or fill out our contact form to join our recovery program. We’ll hold your hand throughout your journey to a full recovery.

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